29 julio 2011

Wild Card Selection for Guadalajara 2011 XVI Pan Am Games

Dear Mr. Mansilla,
This letter is to confirm that Bolivia is selected as recipient of the Wild Card for the following weight category designated by PATU for the 2011 Guadalajara XVI Pan Am Games to be held on October 15~18, 2011.
Female: -48 Kg.
You may submit the name of your athlete for this weight category to your NOC to confirm your attendances at the Guadalajara Pan Am Games. Enclosed, you will find a certificate of official qualification for above mentioned weight category for your country.
Please notify PATU immediately to confirm your acceptance. In the event that your country can not participate in above mentioned weight category, your country will not be represented in Taekwondo in the Games. PATU will then promptly designate an alternative country to receive above mentioned wild card selection.
Congratulations and I look forward to seeing you in Guadalajara.

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